Medicare Annual Election Period
Your Medicare Options During Open Enrollment
Want to make sure you're in the best Part D or Medicare Advantage plan for 2025?
We'll help find the best plan for you. Just enter your contact info below and we can start a plan review.
(Don't worry, we never spam.)

Have a Consultant Review Your Plan for Free
A common Medicare misconception is that once you sign up for your Part D prescription drug plan or a Medicare Advantage plan, you're all set. The reality is that you should have your plans reviewed annually during the Medicare Annual Election Period (October 15 through December 7).
Not only might your circumstances change - new prescription drugs, new health concerns, or a new doctor - but your plan can change each year as well. The perfect plan for you one year might not be your best option next year. That's why we advise all of our Part D and Medicare Advantage clients to have us review their current plan each year during the enrollment period to ensure they're still getting the best coverage. Not reviewing your plan can be an expensive mistake.
This year we're extending the offer beyond just our clients. Our Medicare consultants are happy to review anyone's current Part D prescription drug plan or Medicare Advantage plan. Just fill out the form below with your contact information and we'll email or call you to start the review process. Usually the entire review can be done in about a 10 minute phone call or a couple of emails. (In case you're wondering: we won't put you on an annoying spam email list or give you endless sales calls; we'll just give you an honest review of your plan.)
If you'd like a little more information about us, check out our Testimonials Page.