Unlike Medicare Advantage plans and prescription drug plans, you can sign up for a Medigap (also known as Medicare Supplement) plan throughout the year. There is no Annual Enrollment Period for Medigap plans.
Unless a special exception applies or you are in your Initial Enrollment Period, however, you'll need to answer a few health questions to pass underwriting. The underwriting requirements vary by insurance company. Our Medicare consultants are familiar with the nuances of each carrier and can help guide you in the right direction if underwriting is necessary.
When is the Best Time to Enroll in Medigap?
A healthy individual can enroll in, or switch, Medicare Supplement plans at any time. For those who might not make it through underwriting, the best time to enroll in a Medigap plan is during the Initial Enrollment Period.
During your Initial Enrollment Period, your acceptance is guaranteed. The insurance carrier cannot ask you any health questions. In some states, they cannot even ask you if you are a smoker (other states will still accept smokers, but at an increased smoker rate).
Medigap Initial Enrollment Period
The Medicare Supplement Initial Enrollment Period begins when you are 65 and enrolled in Medicare Part B. For most, this is the first day of the month of your 65th birthday. Some people might delay their enrollment in Part B beyond their 65th birthday (most often because they are still working and have creditable employer coverage). If you delayed your Part B enrollment, your Medigap Initial Enrollment Period begins on your Part B effective date.
The Medigap Initial Enrollment Period lasts six months. So, for example, if you are 65 years old with a Part B effective date of May 1, your Medigap Initial Enrollment Period lasts until October 1.
If you have any Medicare-related questions, we're here to help.